Move directory from one petition/device to another

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at
Mon Sep 19 21:56:31 UTC 2005

Cameron Beattie wrote:
> I would like to move a directory from one petition to another. For 
> example /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /.
> I would like to move directory /etc to /dev/sda2.
> Could anyone offer advice on the easiest way to achieve this?

It is, unfortunately, impossible. The way that file systems get
mounted is under the control of /etc/fstab, which must be present
during boot. You have a "chicken-and-egg" problem with this.
If you move /etc to a partition/file system other than the
initial root, then there is no way to mount it, because the control
file telling the system how to do that is on the unmounted

> I have had a look at dd but that seems to allow for copying files or an 
> entire device, not a directory.

You can use tar for doing that sort of thing, or cpio, but you can't
move /etc.

> Many thanks
> Cameron

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