Firewall opinion please

Scot L. Harris webid at
Tue Sep 27 13:12:13 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 08:52, Kevin Passey wrote:
> Is it better to use the built in firewall with rhfc4 or use something
> like firestarter?
Either one is fine.  I believe firestarter still uses iptables it just
puts an interface on it that is easier to use for some.  

So it all depends on what you prefer and how comfortable you are with
iptables.  Most people don't require very complex rules so the defaults
are most likely sufficient.  Those that need more complex rules might
benefit from having an easier interface to write those rules.  

Just keep it simple.  Complex rules sets have a way of leaving
unexpected holes if you are not careful.  

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