Sudden problem with LAN access to some of the net

Claude Jones claude_jones at
Thu Sep 29 17:15:44 UTC 2005

On Thursday 29 September 2005 10:27 am, Bob Chiodini wrote:
> Claude,
> is the IP address the lo device on all machines in your net.
> This may be some kind of special case, but I think your DHCP server
> should hand out the real LAN address of your DNS server, something like
> 192.168.x.y.  Why it worked up until recently I don't know.
> Bob...
Thanks, Bob - and the other question which is why did it stop working only for 
some functions (mail, messenger), and on only two PC's out 5? That's why I 
worded my opening sentence the way I did - one other thing I've noticed this 
am, is that I'm getting slpd errors on shutdown - well, it just says it 
failed to shut it down - I had never heard of this daemon, but I read a 
little about it, and on cursory inspection, it seems like it 'could' be 
related -- need to keep looking - I just posted this in case anyone else was 
having the same issue, on the chance it could be related to recent updates...
Claude Jones
Bluemont, VA, USA

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