New on cable. Bash prompt name changed? SOLVED

Andy Green andy at
Tue Apr 11 08:30:56 UTC 2006

ron wrote:

> Do I really need a Nat router?

Probably not if

  - you are careful to not open your firewall except for services you 
intend for others to touch (probably none at all, or maybe just ssh)

  - you only have the one machine or that machine will do routing to 
share the internet connection

By default nobody can touch much on your box with the local firewall up, 
even if they are all over your internet connection (nmapping your box 
from another over the Internet might provide some reassurance of that). 
  The router boxes themselves have an OS and firewall setup not so much 
different from Fedora, and I bet Fedora gets much more update and 
security attention than that router OS.

If you do expose ssh externally:

  - move it to listen to a nonstandard port by setting Port in 
/etc/ssh/sshd_config to something else and service sshd restart

  - Stick a hole in your firewall accordingly if so, eg

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 56789 -j ACCEPT
service iptables save

  - Also consider disallowing password login over ssh by changing 
PasswordAuthentication to no in the same sshd config file

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