How to make yum seek alternative repository?

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Sat Apr 15 18:33:58 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Matt England wrote:
> How can I make yum seek an alternative repository?  I've been
> looking at it's man page and have yet to find anything.

For any recent version of yum, you want to use the createrepo command.
In Fedora this is in the createrepo package.  Older versions of yum
used yum-arch to create repo data (in a different format than the
current versions do).

> My software development project wants to release .rpm packages via
> its own yum repository (we don't yet know exactly how to set up a
> yum repo, but we're assumign this is documented somewhere...and that
> we can make a repo with *only* our project's .rpms and not have to
> server others...if not let us know?).
> However, I don't know how to tell our users to point their yum
> command to our repos while still inheriting the capability of the
> "standard" redhat/fedora yum repos for the package dependencies that
> we will have (eg, libc, Boost libraries, etc).

Take a look at how repos like Livna handle this.  They create a
release rpm which contains the proper .repo file.  Users just install
this and the repo is ready to go.

> Any suggestions?  I'm hoping our users don't have to edit system
> config files to do this.  For starters, this is rather inconvenient
> and cumbersome; also, this breaks the ability to support non-root
> installations of software.

That part may be a problem.  I'm not sure how you can do this.  Maybe
someone else will have suggestions and ideas.  It's easy to avoid
having to edit any config files using the method Livna and other repos
use, but you do need to be root to install the release rpm that they

Perhaps if you post more concrete examples of what your application
is, and why it needs to be installed by a normal user someone will be
better able to tell you ways you can achieve what you want (or give a
good reason why there's a different or better way to get a similar

- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL:
I used to think the brain was the most advanced part of the body.
Then I realized, look what's telling me that.
    -- Emo Phillips

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