Fc4 -> FC5 broke evolution (Paul Howarth)

William Murray W.J.Murray at rl.ac.uk
Wed Apr 26 09:07:58 UTC 2006

>Perhaps it's a dep of one of the other libraries?
>Try this:
>$ for f in
>$( ldd /usr/lib/evolution/2.6/components/libevolution-calendar.so | awk
>'{print $3}' | sort -u ); do ldd $f | grep gnutls && echo That was $f;

Yes, it was in libsoup. I had an old version of libsoup that had crept into
/lib and was taking precedence over the one in /usr/lib
  My fault completely. In fact, I have old bits of most of evolution there.
 Its a bit of a mess, but you have allowed me to fix it. 
   Thank you!

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