dir/list of files

Alexander Dalloz ad+lists at uni-x.org
Tue Aug 1 22:56:26 UTC 2006

Laurence Orchard schrieb:

>On Tue, 2006-08-01 at 14:55 -0700, bruce wrote:
>simple question.. can't find the answer.. how do i do a list of files/dir,
>and get the number of files in the dir ....
>ls | wc -l
Not really, as that mixes dirs and files. So for a directory with files 
and subdirs the result of

ls | wc -l    !=   find . -type f | wc -l

And hidden files and dirs are not counted as well.

for dir in $(find /home/image/ -type d)
    do echo ">> current dir: ${dir}"
        find ${dir} -type f
        echo -n "<< number of files: "
        find ${dir} -type f | wc -l


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