Mounting Windows partitions

James Wilkinson fedora at
Fri Aug 25 06:31:09 UTC 2006

Jame Dobbs wrote:
> I want to mount the Windows FAT32 and NTFS paritions on my HDD to be
> visible in Fedora Core 5. Should I edit the /etc/fstab manually or is
> there a graphical tool that I should use for this task?
> The FAT32 paritions will be mounted read/write and the NTFS read only.
> fstab entries I propose to use are of the following form:
> /dev/hda1 /mnt/WinC ntfs user,ro,umask=000 0 0
> /dev/hdb5 /mnt/WinD vfat user,rw,umask=000 0 0
> Are these entries correct? It's been a while since I had Linux installed
> on my PC so just want to check that I am on the right track.

Well, they'll work...

You may find that using dmask=0,fmask=111 works better (instead of the
umask=000 option). This will make directories world-readable, writeable,
and executable (which in the case of directories means that you're
allowed to access it). But it will mark files as *not* being executable.
Nautilus will use the same icon and ls the same colour for all
executable files regardless of what the file actually is, whereas for
non-executable files they will both look harder and use a more
appropriate icon / colour.

You'll probably find that dmask=222,fmask=333 works better for the NTFS
drive, to make it more obvious (to you and to programs) that you can't
write there.

I assume that this isn't a shared machine. I personally prefer to set up
a group that's allowed to write to mounted VFAT partitions, add the
users that need to write to VFAT to the group, and add
gid=900,dmask=2,fmask=113 (where 900 is the "gid" of the group -- you
can find this from /etc/group). That way group members can automatically
write there, whereas everyone else (including most system daemons) can
only read.

I've also got a utf8 parameter in my mount options. I *think* last time
I tried using filenames with non-ASCII characters that they looked the
same in both Windows and Linux with this parameter. If you care about
this, you'd better experiment.

Hope this helps,

New address: james  | The attitude ``The computer said so, so it must be | right'' is always amusing to the people who program
                    | them.
                    |     -- Geoff Lane

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