How create a directory with full permiss for everybody

Kwan Lowe kwan at
Fri Aug 11 19:10:52 UTC 2006

>>I created a directory chmod 777 owner tdp group tdpgr
>>as a user frank I created a file, the owner is frank the group is tdpgr
>>the permissions were -rw-r--r--
>>as a user roland I opened the file and of course it was read only.
> Not necessarily. If you make the directory owned by a particular group
> and then set the sgid bit on the directory (chmod g+s /path/to/dir) then
> new files created in that directory will have the same group as the
> directory itself by default.

The above is the best option in most cases as you can restrict the read list easily.
 In some circumstances you may also want to change your umask settings to allow
Other to read.

* The Digital Hermit
* Unix and Linux Solutions   kwan at

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