fast track p2p (kazaa network)

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at
Thu Aug 24 16:38:53 UTC 2006

On Thursday 24 August 2006 07:30, Andy Green wrote:
> Thufir wrote:
> >> In short, "nmap router-ip-address", or "nmap -P0 router-ip-address"
> >> (if ping
> >> is filtered) will tell you what ports are open, closed or filtered...
> >
> > Took forever! I'm not sure how long 1527 sec is, but it's long enough
> > that I went mcdonalds :)
> I think Marko meant to nmap your external IP address from an outside
> machine across the Internet, not the internal network.

Well, it is best to nmap the router both from inside and outside, actually, 
since p2p usually requires bidirectional communication.

> > Interesting ports on
> > (The 1672 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
> > 67/tcp filtered dhcps
> > 80/tcp open     http

The router has a private IP... I guess your host also has something like 
192.168.2.*, right? "/sbin/ifconfig" will tell you.

I see that only http and dhcps ports are open from the inside, while the host 
is probably on router's local address, so (AFAIK) no p2p will work.

All p2p software uses certain specific ports for communication. You need to 
read the docs of your p2p app to find out what ports should be open, then ask 
your ISP to open them for you on the router. Then you need to open the same 
ports on your local firewall
(use "system-config-securitylevel", also "man iptables").

Maybe that will be enough, but in my experience it is not. You should also 
have a public IP, ie. the one that is not private (as 192.168.2.*), if your 
ISP is willing to provide it for you. Then they should configure the 
appropriate ports to be transparent for your host, both from outside and 
inside. That should work.

But maybe this is not necessary for your app. I have no experience with kazaa, 
only with aMule... :-)


Best regards, :-)

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