Fedora Core Version to install...

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Dec 1 00:13:39 UTC 2006

On Thursday 30 November 2006 18:45, Rob Andrews wrote:
>On 29-Nov-2006 17:14.13 (GMT), James Kosin wrote:
> > Fedora Core is basically the TESTBED of the future of RedHat
> > technology.  If you wanted safe/stable/etc get RHEL
> > http://www.redhat.com/rhel/
>One wonders how many times people have to say "FEDORA IS NOT A TESTBED
> FOR RHEL" before people stop saying that it is.
Maybe that is because that *is* what it is?  Its also bug finder par 
excellent.  By the time we've beat on something for 6 months to a year, 
there is a lot better feel for what the user wants, so in addition to the 
blatant bug & security fixes we get, RHEL gets the feature enhancements 
we wanted too but rarely get.  Feature enhancements are always "for the 
next release" it seems.

Please don't take me as an ungrateful wretch, I'm well aware that what we 
expected from any distro was responsive support, but that for RH to be a 
viable business, that sort of support must be sold rather than given 
away.  And that to protect that support contract sale, a line must be 
drawn that occasionally seems pretty arbitrary.

But we are, at the same time, free to make noise about things when it 
seems too unjust.  I guess that's the reason freshrpms, atrpms and livna 
have a place in the grand scheme of things isn't it?

Overall, I think it works fairly well for all concerned.

One old farts $0.02, please adjust for inflation since my birthday back 
in '34. :)

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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