Why doesn't Fedora include gksudo/gksu as a package

William Case billlinux at rogers.com
Thu Dec 7 17:27:27 UTC 2006

Hi Tod;

Yea, that was me.

I got it going -- kind of.

On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 11:52 -0500, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> William Case wrote:
> > Trying to get zenity to work as a substitute for gksudo.  It won't
> > when launched from a desktop launcher or nautilus script. (For
> > details either see an earlier post from me, or ask and I will
> > re-post the details)
> I thought I saw a thread on the gnome users list about this last week
> and it seemed like you got things working.  What is broken about using
> zenity (other than being an extra several steps above just using gksu
> if it were available)?
> I do see that gksu/gksudo is on the Extras wishlist[1].  So all you
> have to do is find someone that wants to package it and maintain it.
> Care to give that a try?  I don't use either so I wouldn't want to
> maintain them, but I'd be more than happy to try to help you get them
> packaged if you want to submit them to Extras.
> [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Extras/WishList

I got a few of my own stupidities straightened out and everything works
beautifully with zenity (in fact I can do quite a bit including a rough
debug) in a terminal, however my script will still not launch from a
desktop launcher or nautilus-script.  I have googled and asked for a
week and the only consistent answer I get is "use gksudo/gksu".  I have
nothing against them - I don't even know them - but it seemed to me
since I've got zenity and like its cute little ways, I should see if I
can make it do what I want.

If that doesn't work then forget zenity and lets get gksudo/gksu
working.  My problem is I am a beginner.  I am not confident that I
would get all the bits and pieces (libraries) required to make
gksudo/gksu work smoothly no matter how they were launched or used in a
script in Fedora.

Regards Bill

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