
roland roland at cat.be
Sun Dec 10 20:51:01 UTC 2006

On Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:43:34 +0100, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com>  

>  So right-mouse-clicking is the only way, to my opinion.
>  Nowedays I store every mail as a .ps(printjob) in seperated
> subject-directories. Therefore I will be independant from mail clients  
> ( I
> am sick of those compatiblity issues)
>  What?!?
>  Or am I wrong?
>  Roland, my friend, you are wrong. I agree that you _must_ store the  
> mail in an open, documented file
> format that is not encoumbered by proprietary licensing and
> bs,bs,bs...
> That's why you should store the mail in Plain Text- UTF-8 encoded
> preferably. That's exacly what the mbox format is, a plain text file
> of all you emails (in a given folder) seperated by two newlines and
> their own headers. This is a very standard format, and everything that
> I know of (Except Outlook and possibly Eudora) support it. In a dire
> emergency, you could even open them in pine or vi (or nano!).
I agree that one can open an .mbs file in whatever.But why whould I open  
the email in another emailclient, when I have the text as it is in a .ps  
file, which is very readable, which I can transform very easely
into .pdf and/or send to  a printer. Suppose I would go back to outlook  
for whatever stupid or non-stupid reason, I couldn't open the .mbs file.  
When I would open the file in vi or gedit or emacs I whould see a lot of  
sh.. on the screen, which has to do with the email but nothing with the  
message content.

Am I right?

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