Issues w/ cups-lpd

Tim Waugh twaugh at
Wed Dec 13 09:47:13 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 19:56 -0700, Philip Prindeville wrote:
> Not to rehash the issue, but I'm still not clear:  why would the
> behavior of system-config-printer (which is optional) interfere with
> the basic functionality of cups-lpd?

It's CUPS as a whole, not cups-lpd (see previous messages).
system-config-printer before FC6 is only optional in that if you have it
installed, it (and no other tool) must be used to manage the queues.
This is a constraint the design (circa RHL8, pre-dating CUPS's
inclusion), and there was never enough time for a re-design or a

> P.S. I tried creating the Generic Printer/Raw queue with the
>      GUI tool, but that didn't solve the problem...

Try editing /etc/cups/mime.convs and uncommenting the line at the end.
I seem to recall that the printconf-backend for CUPS only adjusts one of


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