donated computers lab setup

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sat Dec 30 07:19:24 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-12-29 at 13:20 -0500, Ric Moore wrote:
> a similar setup in Beckley WV, using 16 XT's and 386's as dumb
> terminals. Someone donated two Dickens Terminal Servers and I just
> ran DOS on those machines and Qterm for text logins at 9600 baud.
> People could use Pine and email to the internet just fine or play MUD.

Not too many years ago I scored a collection of XTs, 286s, and a 386
from the local high school that was just going to dump them.  I sorted
out what worked, and a local disability group took them for their blind
members to log onto their BBS to chat, do mail, and play games.  Even
what most would consider to be obselete, often has a use to someone.

The lady who took them off my hands was confined to a wheelchair, barely
able to speak or do anything physical, but you'd never guess that when
you chatted to her on-line.  Computers to her, were a liberating
experience.  Just for a change, she got treated the same as everyone

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