Directory Size problem

Joe Smith jes at
Wed Dec 6 15:14:01 UTC 2006

Dan Track wrote:
> ...
>  Size: 311296  Blocks: 7448760 ...

Well, that's the same number(s) that ls and du came up with (stat seems 
to always use 512-byte "blocks", 7448760/2=3724380K), so my guess is 
that the block count in the inode is wrong. I doubt that the actual 
block allocation is bad, because df looks reasonable and you're not 
seeing other problems (e.g. when you removed all the queue files in that 
directory). In any case, I expect fsck will simply note there is an 
inconsistency in the size/block count/allocation, check the actual 
allocations and correct the count.

I'm not sure if just deleting it (rmdir it) would fix it at this point, 
or if an fsck is required to fix it, but it would surely be safer to let 
fsck have a crack at it.

If I were desparate to keep the machine running, I'd just leave it 
alone. Or, if I needed the mqueue directory, I would move the current 
one to a different name and make a new mqueue directory and leave the 
flukey one alone.

I suppose debugfs could fix it but that thing gives me the creeps and I 
avoid it--and never needed it.


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