local DNS server

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 11 17:31:23 UTC 2006

On 11/12/06, Tim <ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 13:48 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > But I'm sure that the records themselves must get huge. Not the
> > program, but the data.
> No.  There's not a lot of data in a record file, and it's generally only
> your own authoritative data that's stored on disc (unless you configure
> otherwise).  Looked-up records are cached in RAM.

In RAM? I keep my machine on for weeks at a time. How much RAM can it
fill up? And on the rare occasion that I do reboot, is the data lost?

> Here's an example record for an entire domain:
>   -------- begin example -------
> $TTL    86400
> @                       IN SOA  localhost root.lan.example.com (
>                                         42              ; serial
>                                         3H              ; refresh
>                                         15M             ; retry
>                                         1W              ; expiry
>                                         1D )            ; minimum
>                         IN NS           localhost
>                         A
>                         MX      1 mail.lan.example.com.
> andy                    A
> caan                    CNAME   roar
> clock                   CNAME   time
> default                 CNAME   www
> finger                  CNAME   server
> ftp                     CNAME   server
> gateway                 CNAME   router
> gales                   A
> gonzo                   A
> hear                    A
> imap                    CNAME   mail
> jabber                  CNAME   server
>   -------- end example --------
> The last 12 lines are the records for particular hosts in that domain,
> and you can see that it's only a tiny bit of data per host.

Looks like it can be made about half it's own size if white space is removed.

Dotan Cohen


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