linux equivalent of 'disk cleanup'

Kurt Wall kwall at
Mon Dec 18 01:03:11 UTC 2006

On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 06:17:11PM -0600, Thomas Cameron wrote:
> Yuandan Zhang wrote:
> >Hi,
> >what is the linux's equivalent of disk cleanup?
> There is not one, not really.  You just need to periodically clear out 
> /tmp, /var/tmp and any other temp spaces you define.  Note that 
> tmpwatch(8) runs daily so it should clear a lot of that old cruft out.

True, but the the shipping configuration only clears out files that 
havent' been accessed in the last 720 hours, that is, 30 days. If this 
doesn't suit the OP's needs, modify /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch.

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