xmaple and Fc5 (maple 10)

Mike Cohler mike.cohler at gmail.com
Thu Dec 28 14:48:29 UTC 2006

"Chitlesh GOORAH" <chitlesh () fedoraproject ! org> wrote:

>I'm having the same problem with xmaple, I have only the splash screen
>even with SELInux disabled
>Any help will be welcome since, I'm migrating some windows nodes to FC6

I had some initial problems installing maple 10 but my procedure to
get going with a clean FC6 installation was as follows:

1) Insert the CD and ensure the CD is umounted (it is in /dev/hda on
my machine) (change as necessary).

2) Now assume that you have made a directory to hold the install files
called /home/username/maple10/cd_files

3) # cd /home/username/maple10/cd_files to check that the directory exists.

4) Now loop-mount the CD: Make sure that the CD is not mounted - and
as root create a mount point
# mkdir -p /mnt/iso
# mount -o loop /dev/hda /mnt/iso

5) Now copy the files to the directory in the user area called
# cd /mnt/iso/
# rsync -av * /home/username/maple10/cd_files/ . (or equivalent)

Change to the appropriate directory containing the install files in
the user area - you can now umount the CD as it is not needed from
this point. So:
# cd /home/username/maple10/cd_files/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM

Now edit the LinuxInstaller.bin file retaining its size exactly and
comment out the export line as follows - this is crucial! If you don't
know how to use vim then don't do this without help!
# vim -b +2134 LinuxInstaller.bin

 '        export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL'
 '#       export LD_ASSUME_KERNE'

save and quit

Now enter the main maple10 cd_files directory again, and run the
install script as user (I ignored the warning "error while loading
shared libraries: ibdl.so.2"):

# cd /home/username/maple10/cd_files
# sh installMapleLinuxSU

Follow the instructions presented, and allow the install to go to a
directory of your choice (Better in a non-root partition so that in
future even with a system install the Maple files will remain
untouched.) Enter the Purchase Code when prompted.

Now add a desktop icon pointing to the application binary in the
install area e.g. somepath/maple10/bin/xmaple
Finally double clicking the new icon will run Maple 10 !!! In my case
the first time running it said that I need to enter the activation
code again! However clicking OK seems to load the program fine - next
time it just seemed to work.

I also note the warning - if your system is using SELinux you may have trouble.


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