seeing a wireless card

Patrick Nelson pnelson at
Sat Feb 4 20:53:00 UTC 2006

bruce wrote:

>after looking around on google, and trying to figure this out... i'm turning
>to the list!
>i have an airlink awlc3026 wireless card, and i'm trying to get it to work
>with FC/RHEL. i insert the card, and reboot, and nothing happens...
>i was hoping that FC/RHEL might initially recognize the device...
>any pointers on what to do/where to go...
I had problems when there was a wifi device already in the 
system-config-network area prior to inserting the new one.  I got mine 
working by going into system-config-network.  Removing the wifi 
device(s) listed and rebooting and going back into 
system-config-network, setup the correct device (which in my case was 
listed now) and then rebooting.  HTH

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