import PDF to OOo (openoffice)?

Peter Lesterhuis peterlesterhuis at
Fri Feb 10 20:00:16 UTC 2006

>Try kword.
>thank you Charles, Cosme and David for your helpful replay.
>kword claims to work. I yum install the koffice-filters, koffice-kword
>and its core. But it took about 5 min to process a two page pdf with out
>image on it. The worst is that it converted every letter into a image
>file and what I can see is a bunch of squire boxes.
>I use the ps2ascii to make it to work. It is not pretty but it works.
>I havn't tried Scribus yet. 
I found 2 alternatives:
AdobeReader has an option to save a (pdf-) file to text. The lay-out of 
the .txt file is somewhat disapointing. (Tabs, tables, alignment in the 
.txt file differs a lot from the  .pdf file).
However it might be worthwhile to try. AdobeReader is available as rpm 

Another tool able to extract textfiles from .pdf files is xpdf 

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