Samba problems

John Summerfied debian at
Sun Feb 12 22:38:34 UTC 2006

Anne Wilson wrote:
> On this mixed LAN I use samba for all connections, but at the moment I'm 
> having problems.

It seems to me, Anne, you're using this  list as your first port of call.

You will often get better and quicker answers if you learn to use other 
tools such as google, the RHEL documentation at and the 
Fedora documentation at Fedora Project Headquarters.

When those fail and you need to resort to the list, then choose a 
subject that outlines what you need to know. The _only_ reason I read 
_this_ question is that you seem to ask so many.

Almost nobody here is paid to read the list and answer question; you can 
best return the favours you ask by taking time yourself to read 
questions and offer help when you can. Then, you will begin to 
appreciate what you really ask.



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