Sendmail Smart Relay Configuring

Lovell Mcilwain lovell.mcilwain at
Wed Feb 15 00:08:56 UTC 2006

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am Di, den 14.02.2006 schrieb Lovell Mcilwain um 4:50:
>>> How do you try to generate the .cf files? Simply run
>>> make -C /etc/mail
>>> (just to see if there are any errors/complaints)
>> Output:
>> make: Entering directory `/etc/mail'
>> make: Leaving directory `/etc/mail'
>> did have content in it this time.
>>> then
>>> service sendmail restart
>> I restarted the service:
>> Shutting down sendmail:                                    [  OK  ]
>> Shutting down sm-client:                                   [FAILED]
> The submission agent wasn't running.
>> Starting sendmail:                                         [  OK  ]
>> Starting sm-client:                                        [  OK  ]
>> I didn't get any complaints.
>>>>> [user at FC4FW share]$  m4 /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/
>>> Not the correct command syntax.
> You omitted the ">".
>> This was the syntax I was told to use to append changes to my .cf file.  
>> If this isn't right what do I use? I had no clue about the previous 
>> command you gave me to generate the file correctly.
> m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
> Better use the make command (which makes use of the Makefile inside
> /etc/mail) and catches more than just the .mc file changes, too the
> hashed map files.
> Alexander
So after your help with getting me started initially.  I found another 
FAQ ( that gave me a step by 
step of how to set up smtp relay for sendmail.

The additional steps I took were as follows:

Added the following to the file:
|* define(`SMART_HOST', `your-smtp-server')
*define(`RELAY_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 587')
define(`ESMTP_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 587')*
Updated the file
||* m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/*

Defined my account info in the AuthInfo file:
||* AuthInfo:<your-smtp-server> "U:<your-smtp-user>" 
"P:<your-smtp-password>" "M:DIGEST-MD5"*
Im not sure if the "M:" is correct since the server that I would be 
logging into would be over TLS port 587 and usually just does a login 
challenge and nothing more.  I don't know if I just need to specify login.

Updated the authinfo.db file
|||*| makemap hash /etc/mail/authinfo < /etc/mail/authinfo|*
Created a userdb for header rewriting
|*|user:mailname foo at|*
Created the userdb.db file
*| makemap btree /etc/mail/userdb.db < /etc/mail/userdb|*

Sendmail, Tested, and got the following output:
*[root at FC4FW mail]# /usr/sbin/sendmail -bv root at localhost
root at localhost... deliverable: mailer local, user root

[root at FC4FW mail]# /usr/sbin/sendmail -bv lovell.mcilwain at
lovell.mcilwain at deliverable: mailer relay, host, user user at
This would leave me to belive that this was successful from what I see 
in the output. But then I take a look at /var/log/maillog and find the 
*Feb 14 18:37:04 localhost sendmail[12272]: k1EEWlrh009414: 
to=<lovell.mcilwain at>, *ctladdr=<root at localhost.localdomain>* 
(0/0), delay=09:04:17, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=945174, [11.222.333.444], dsn=5.0.0, *stat=Service unavailabl*e
Feb 14 18:37:04 localhost sendmail[12272]: k1EEWlrh009414: 
k1ENb3vE012272: *sender notify: Service unavailable

*I thought the tutorial has gotten me closer to where I wanted to be but 
can anyone else tell me what else Im missing to get this to work 
properly?  The things I noticed off the top of my head were:

1.The authentication method is wrong but I can't see any documentation 
that states that the entry "M:login" will work.
2. It still looks like the return mail is showing as 
root at localhost.localdomain when I thought the usersdb.db file was 
supposed to take care of this.  Did I need to restart sendmail or re run 
the m4 command to update that there is now a usersdb.db in existance?

3. Could this be an issue of not specifying the port number correctly 
for sendmail to talk with the relay server properly?

I know this mail was a bit lengthy but any help is appreciated :)
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