Gone in 58 seconds

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Wed Feb 15 10:53:34 UTC 2006

Mike McCarty wrote:

> Swap:   524120k total,   221492k used,   302628k free,    49832k cached

Hm there's your problem, 221K of swap is in use, everything that wants
that stuff or memory is going on an voyage out to the HDD.

I saw your other posts on the thread, the 5M of "free" memory is a bit
misleading, since the 50M of cached stuff can become "free" at a
moment's notice, but still the box is starved of memory.  A box with
loads of unused memory can show 5M free and a huge disc cache.

No point looking at your HDD speed because even a superfast HDD will
slow the box to treacle if it has to swap all the time.  If a box with a
slow HDD is a bazillion times slower to touch memory its not noticeable
if its only half a bazillion times slower to touch memory with a fast HDD.

Win XP boot speed vs Fedora boot speed is interesting but it doesn't
directly tell you much.

What does

chkconfig --list

say?  Maybe some things can be thrown out that are taking up memory.

Also the memory footprint figures on top and so on are misleading -- for
each process they fully include the shared libs.  So if many processes
are sharing libs (and one can expect it between thunderbird and
mozilla/firefox) you are seeing the lib footprint included in many times.

An interesting test would be a reboot into your desktop environment,
followed by opening OO with no other apps up.

Another interesting test would be to close thunderbird and the browser
and monitor what is happening with the swap situation during that.
maybe there is some specific issue with, say, thunderbird holding open a
huge mail folder.

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