[OT] The GPL and possible violations

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Fri Feb 17 10:07:23 UTC 2006

Michael A. Peters wrote:

> I'm taking the position that since it is a kernel module, it modifies

AIUI you only have standing to mount a legal attack (or reasonably
threaten it) if you have copyright on kernel code that the module is
linking to.  Therefore if you want to beat on Linksys you need to get a
kernel contributor on board.

The binary kernel module question is a deliberate big fudge-up, it is
strongly disapproved of but nVidia and vmware modules are tolerated
without attack for example.  So you are potentially opening a big can of
worms with some kernel contribs pulling one way and others another.  If
you want to go on talk to Greg Kroah Hartmann about it


Eben Moglen has tried to de-heisenberg this particular cat


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