What do you think of Centos

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 22 20:46:46 UTC 2006

Christofer C. Bell wrote:
> On 2/22/06, Andy Green <andy at warmcat.com> wrote:
>>Identifying with RHAT and acknowledging the benefits we get from their
>>work are Good Things, but there is nothing wrong with respins IMO,
>>legally or morally, in fact its the whole idea.
> That is absolutely untrue.  The "whole idea" of the GPL and Free
> software is to allow anyone to "add value" to what's out there. 
> That's not what CentOS and White Box do.  They take someone else's
> work, remove references to the people that did the work, and package
> it up so that you can "freely" use Red Hat's efforts in creating RHEL.

Yes, they are assisting in "adding value". Have you ever heard of
the concept of the "middle man"? If I get a copy of RHEL, those
parts which are GPL, I can modify and redistribute. These people
at CentOS prevent duplication of effort by many people weeding
out the parts which are not GPL or LGPL. If I want to make my
own mods, I can start with CentOS, not RHEL. Saves a lot of


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