What do you think of Centos

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 22 21:32:54 UTC 2006

Christofer C. Bell wrote:
> On 2/22/06, Rex Dieter <rdieter at math.unl.edu> wrote:
>>Christofer C. Bell wrote:
>>>On 2/22/06, Andy Green <andy at warmcat.com> wrote:
>>>The "whole idea" of the GPL and Free
>>>software is to allow anyone to "add value" to what's out there.
>>>That's not what CentOS and White Box do.  They take someone else's
>>>work, remove references to the people that did the work, and package
>>>it up so that you can "freely" use Red Hat's efforts in creating RHEL.
>>You do understand that they're *required* by Red Hat to remove those
>>"references to the people that did the work", right?
> Yeah, buddy, I am.  I'm not an idiot, I just think what they're doing
> is morally wrong.  Capiche?

The tone is a little bit strong I think. But anyway, I guess
that means you dislike the GPL, because this is exactly what
it is intended to foster.

NB: I don't particularly like the GPL, myself, so I'm not
one to argue against. Just pointing something out.

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