unbelievably stupid mistake - i broke /usr/lib need help

John Pierce john.j35 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 23:53:25 UTC 2006

> Yes, only backup the data and the configs, that's usually enough.
> But if you do that, then it's not absolutely necessary to create many
> partitions. It's backed up anyway, and you're reinstalling anyway so
> everything might as well be on a huge / partition.
> When a new Fedora is released, I just wipe everything out, install the
> new OS, then restore the few data chunks that I care about
> (~/.evolution, ~/.mozilla and stuff like that). /av survives unformatted
> if it's too loaded at the moment of upgrade, although I try to avoid
> that. And /win of course has it's own separate destiny.

You are missing the point of backup and restore, why involve restoring
data that doesn't have to be.

My point is not to ever touch the /home partition with restored files
unless disaster strikes.  If I can only reformat / /usr /var and leave
all of the other files undisturbed.


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