FC4: Yum hangs after interrupting update

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Tue Jan 10 22:35:59 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-09 at 16:58 -0600, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
> I accidentally interrupted yum when it was updating on a machine. Now,
> when I type "yum update", it hangs after downloading all of the
> metafiles, but just before the point where it downloads the package
> headers.

I haven't noticed anything like that.  I've had to interrupt it, because
it's taking too long, or it's been interrupted by an ISP disconnection,
and it's worked fine the next time.

> (P.S. I have also noticed with the latest FC4 yum that if you don't do
> a yum clean all every once in a while, it won't pick up all of the new
> packages.)

I haven't noticed anything like that, at all.

Most problems that I've noticed with YUM appear to be with the mirrors
(ones that are behind in sync, are overloaded or just plain slow, have
403 or 404 errors, or stupid click-throughs that make them impossible to

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