Help Kickstart

Tod Thomas tod at
Fri Jan 13 20:27:44 UTC 2006

Mike McGrath wrote:
>>I'm trying to get a stable build set up for all of my machines so I
>>was trying to recreate the build I had on another machine so it could
>>be repeated.  I want only a specific set of packages and
>>system-config-kickstart only allows the selection of groupings.
>>So, I tried system-config-kickstart last night.  I used it to get an
>>'everything' build working on my other machine, and then took the
>>package listing from the anaconda-ks.cfg of the original custom build
>>and slid it underneath the %packages --resolvedeps directive and tried
>>again.  It failed trying to resolve the dependencies for the @ office
>>group.  It put me into a Python debugging session afterwards.
>>Does the fact that I'm attempting this from a floppy and the RPM's are
>>on a set of removeable CD's make any difference?  Perhaps
>>--resolvedeps can't do its work because it can't see all the RPM's at
>>install time?
>>Thanks - Tod
> If you have a number of machines have you thought about setting up a
> local http/nfs/ftp mirror for them to work from?  I have an HTTP mirror
> here and its about the most convient thing I've ever set up.  Not to
> mention that post install you can set yum to look at your local mirror.
> If you wanted to you could post your KS config to the list and give us a
> list of packages you want to have on it.  I'd be happy to check
> formatting and syntax.
>     -Mike

I'm heading in that direction but for now disk space is at a premium. 
As this is a learning experience (on Linux at least) I'm taking the time 
now to figure things out for later when I have the capacity to really 
automate things.

Incidentally, it would be nice it there was a little tool that would 
check your syntax, and even resolve dependencies, for you before you 
went to the trouble of trying a live build.  Sort of like a combination 
of make -n and httpd -t.

I'll post my config file here shortly...

Thanks - Tod

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