Postfix and mixed case usernames

John Francis john.francis at
Thu Jan 19 13:23:42 UTC 2006

On 19/01/06, Tim <ignored_mailbox at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-01-19 at 19:18 +1100, John Francis wrote:
> > I have two users on the box: userone and UserTwo (note the mixed case
> > in the latter).
> >
> > Sending mail to userone works fine, but not so with UserTwo.
> There are warnings against doing such things (using capital letters in
> mail addresses), and for good reason.  You've struck one problem, how
> many more do you want to have to solve?  Your best solution is to stop
> wanting do to that.

I've only ever used lcase usernames myself out of habit.  Also, in
this case it will be quite easy for me to get the usernames changed. 
But the question still remains: why should it be a problem?

I understand that the domain part of an email address should be case
insensitive, but where does it say that about the local-part?  In
fact, RFC 2821 states that the local-part should be treated as case

Most MTAs don't strictly enforce this and try to treat the local-part
case insensitively.  This means that whether I send it to usertwo or
UserTwo or USERTwo, it should (by convention, in non-compliance with
the RFC) go to the same mailbox.

It appears that this is in fact what happens in Postfix.  To avoid
confusion it just lcases the local-part and attempts delivery.

Hmm... I think I've just answered my own question.  For Postfix to be
able to deliver in the case where the mailbox name is UserTwo and is a
Unix account, it would first need to look for a match with every
combination of each character in ucase an lcase.  Not very practical.

This is an issue with Unix accounts because usernames are
case-sensitive, but I whether that is the case with Cyrus-IMAPd.

Kind regards,

John Francis

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