Monitor mount points

Gilboa Davara gilboad at
Wed Jan 25 15:13:29 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 16:28 -0500, Devon Harding wrote:
> Is there a way I could monitor mount points & automatically remount
> them (mount -a) if its ever disconnected?
> -Devon
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Try automount (8)?

Create a new file named /etc/autofs.system:
mount_point	-fstype=net_fstype    server_name:/mount_point
mount_point	-fstype=fstype		  :/dev/<device_node>

Now, add the following line to the /etc/auto.master file:
/autofs         /etc/auto.system        --timeout=60

Now activate the autofs service and start it.
Once you access /autofs/<mount_point> the kernel will mount it.
If no-one uses this mount point for more then 60 seconds, the kernel
will unmount it.


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