Package management - howto

Dan Track dan.track at
Fri Jan 27 14:53:10 UTC 2006


I've got a repository of fedora update packages on one server in my
little network at home. There are some from FC3 and some from FC4. The
problem I'm having at the moment is that I'm getting all updated
pakcages being stored in one directory. So if I issue an update
sometimes a confusion occurs and the clients can't update becuase of
multiple package versions.

Does anyone have a script to move old updates to another directory and
keep new updates in one directory. I tried writing one, but the major
problem is the version nomenclature. Some packages have "+"signs, some
have words in them, there isn't a consistency here. How does redhat
keep there online repository in order, can I get a hold of a script?

Thanks in advance for your help.


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