New thread, really need assistance on this - high security hardware

Rickey Moore wayward4now at
Fri Jan 27 16:19:45 UTC 2006

Tim <ignored_mailbox at> wrote: Tim:
>> I do hope you've read the various articles about how easy it can be
>> to circumvent thumbprint scanners?

Rickey Moore
> Good point, but the motivation to do so is absent, especially when the
> consequences would be not only dire

Hmm, I would have thought though when you've got people who's motivation
was habitually, I'll do what I think I can get away with, that it's hard
habit to break.

I spent years working in high schools, and it did seem like people would
go to extraordinary lengths to make a nuisance of themselves.  Far more
effort than's required not to do so.  And with no regard for the
possible consequences.  Granted that theirs were far less stringent
consequences, though in years gone past students would often get beaten up by their parents for getting in trouble at school.

Getting way off topic there, but I think the potential for very simple,
and probably hard to prove whom by, abuse of a thumbprint scanner is
still worth thinking about.  There are some that do additional checks to
make it more difficult, and just the simple act of wiping the thing
clean makes it more difficult for the next person to impersonate the
Excellant points! Need to especially add to the S.O.P. the wiping of the thing clean. The Devil is in the Details! I had my own ass beat for failing to complete 500 lines of "I will not talk in Miss Lahey's class again." (circa 1960) by the Dean of Boys (pick your paddle from an array of them on his wall) and then again by my father, when he got home and recieved the news... (mom snitched me out)
The consequences in prison are far more evident, as well as immediate, close up and personal, but I agree with your assessments, that's why no keyboard or mouse. <g> Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
   ...the Sin of Ignorance, and 
   ...the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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