Help Kickstart

Tod Thomas tod at
Fri Jan 13 22:36:53 UTC 2006

Mike McGrath wrote:
>>#Generated by Kickstart Configurator
>>#platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T
>>#System  language
>>lang en_US
>>#Language modules to install
>>langsupport en_US
>>#System keyboard
>>keyboard us
>>#System mouse
>>#Sytem timezone
>>timezone America/New_York
>>#Root password
>>rootpw --iscrypted secret
>>#Use text mode install
>>#Install OS instead of upgrade
>>#Use CDROM installation media
>>#System bootloader configuration
>>bootloader --location=mbr 
>>#Clear the Master Boot Record
>>zerombr yes
>>#Partition clearing information
>>clearpart --all 
>>#Disk partitioning information
>>part / --fstype ext3 --size 1024 --asprimary 
>>part swap --size 512 
>>part /usr --fstype ext3 --size 7500 
>>part /opt --fstype ext3 --size 7500 --grow 
>>#System authorization infomation
>>auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5 
>>#Network information
>>network --bootproto=static --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --nameserver= --device=eth0
>>#Firewall configuration
>>firewall --enabled --trust=eth0 --ssh 
>>#SELinux configuration
>>selinux --disabled
>>#XWindows configuration information
>>xconfig --depth=8 --resolution=640x480 --defaultdesktop=GNOME
>>#Package install information
>>@ office
>>@ editors
>>@ system-tools
>>@ dialup
>>@ java
>>@ smb-server
>>@ base-x
>>@ graphics
>>@ web-server
>>@ eclipse
>>@ printing
>>@ server-cfg
>>@ admin-tools
>>@ development-tools
>>@ sound-and-video
>>@ graphical-internet
> This looks ok, you say you're booting off a floppy disk? or the
> kickstart is on a floppy disk and you're booting off of CD?  When you
> boot, what command do you type into the loader that makes it use KS. 
> Also when it does fail are there any error messages on any of the
> consoles?  (F1-F4)?
>     -Mike

I'm booting off of CD, using ks=floppy:/ks.cfg.  I haven't checked any 
of the consoles.  Last night was the last I tried and at that point it 
failed on the first package, @ office, and I was presented with a Python 
debug session that I just canceled out of.

I'll give it another shot if the Python messages would be of any help.

Thanks - Tod

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