Driver for Modem Intel 537EP

Paulo da Silva Silveira pauloss1 at
Sun Jan 29 13:05:31 UTC 2006

I need of a good driver (or patch for kernel) for modem Intel 537EP,
because I already search in many sites, I find many drivers versions
and, in the best case the modem freezes the kernel during the
connection process or 20 minutes later.
The kernel version in my Fedora Core 4 is 2.6.11_1XXX_fc4
This is the my 50º endevor to solve this problem.
My language is Portuguese.
My country is Brazilian.

Please... Help-me!
OBS: I already try the many drivers in the intel site and nothing.
Copiling and Run, but freezes the kernel some time later.
Paulo da Silva Silveira
Bacharelando em Ciência da Computação - UESC
Coordenador da Comissão de Assuntos Acadêmicos CACIC 2005/2006

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