IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad UltraNav on Fedora

Joel Jaeggli joelja at
Sun Jan 29 16:25:57 UTC 2006

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Uno Engborg wrote:

> Does anybody have any experience with the UltraNav pointing  device on new 
> Thinkpads.
> Many people say that it works, but the question is, what does that mean?
> The device consists of 5 buttons, a little rubber stick in the keyboard, and 
> a more normal
> touch pad.
> -Will both the rubber stick and the touchpad area work at the same time?


> - Can I use the upper three buttons as a normal 3-button mouse, or will the 
> middle mouse button
> be uses in conjunction with the rubber stick to control scrolling. (Or can I 
> configure that somehow,
> I think I would have preferred it as 3 buggon mouse).

it can be used that way yes.

> - Is it hard to setup? What is the function out of the box without no special 
> tweaking of /etc/X11/xorg.conf apart
> from what you get from the normal GUI fedora installer.

Not really in fact the 3rd button functioning as the third button should 
be the defautl.

> - Can I use the two large mouse buttons (the ones closest to the user) to 
> emulate a three button mouse?


> If it works will it need any kernel recompilations? Or does it work just out 
> of the box?


> Not that kernel
> recompilation is that difficult, it is just that it is much easier just to be 
> able to grab security updates from
> yum without doing anything special.
> Anything else I should be aware of? With respect to UltraNav or Thinkpads in 
> general (most likely some
> R-series model).

In general thinkpad pointing devices leave little to the imagination. My 
expereinces are with the t42 t43 which work almost exactly as you would 
expect them to.

> Thanks!
> /uno

Joel Jaeggli  	       Unix Consulting 	       joelja at
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