How Do I?

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Mon Jul 3 02:06:56 UTC 2006

Eugene Poole writes:

> First, let me give thanks to all who gave me answers on my xcdroast issue.
> This time I don't have a problem, more of a situation.
> I currently run FC4 with 2-disk drives, a 80-gig and a 15-gig.  I caught 
> a great deal on a 300-gig drive and I want to swap out the 15-gig for 
> the 300-gig.  What's on the 15-gig scares me a little:
>     /dev/hdc1      4031 1m blks      /u03 - user data and database files
>     /dev/hdc2      4031 1m blks      /u02 - user data and database files
>     /dev/hdc3      2023 1m blks      swap
>     /dev/hdc5      2023 1m blks      /u04 - user data and database files
>     /dev/hdc6        478 1m blks      /opt
>     /dev/hdc7      1490 1m blks      /var
>     /dev/hdc4                                 standard extended 
> partition boundary that covers hdc5, hdc6, and hdc7
> Is there a way to do this without having to reinstall FC4?  Where can I 
> find the documentation?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Okee-dokee.  Your boot hard drive is /dev/hda, and this is /dev/hdc.

So -- what's on /dev/hdb?  Your CD/DVD?  Ok, then you have /dev/hdd free, 
that's the slave on your second IDE bus.

Jumper your new drive as a slave, and hook it up to the same cable as 
/dev/hdc.  Now, if after booting up you see both /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd, 
that's pretty much it.  Use fdisk on /dev/hdd and create partitions on 
/dev/hdd that are more or less identical to your partitions on /dev/hdc.  Of 
course, you'll probably want to make the new ones bigger.

Use mkfs.ext3 to format your new ext3 partitions.  Use mkswap to initialize 
your new swap partition.  Once all partitions are formatted, mount them 
somewhere.  Create temporary directories in /mnt, for example, and mount 
your new partitions as /mnt/u03, /mnt/u02, etc…  Then, just copy over the 
files, one partition at a time:

cd /u03
tar cf - . | (cd /mnt/u03 ; tar xvf -)

Lather, rinse, repeat, for each partition.  Unmount everything, shut down, 
pull out your /dev/hdc, reconnect and rejumper the new drive as a master, 
and you're done.

The trickiest part here is really making sure your typing is careful.  Take 
it easy with fdisk, and double-check your typing.  One typo, one misplaced 
letter, and kiss your existing partitions good-bye.  But, as long as you go 
slow, and double-check everything before hitting Enter, this shouldn't be 

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