Why I see certain messages from mailing list not ordered corectly by thread

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Fri Jul 7 10:45:13 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-07-06 at 15:55 +0200, Ambrogio wrote:
> I see some messages not ordered well.
> So some reply are not related to the right message id and so on.
> It's only my problem or someone else do see this behaviour?

Typically caused by someone replying to a message from a digest, some
badly implemented web forum, or a crappy mail client.

Messages have an "in-reply-to" header which identifies which particular
message it is in reply to.  Some really crappy clients mightn't include
it when replying.

They also have "references" header which lists all other other message
IDs of the messages in the same thread.  Each time a client replies to a
message, it adds its own message ID to the list.  Some crappy clients
don't do that.

Both are used together to group messages in a thread, and order them
into the right sequence.  They can't do that right without that

Some really crappy clients attempt to do that via the subject lines,
through sheer laziness in programming.  And since they think it works
for them, some don't bother to use the proper headers (write them, add
to them, include them, etc.), and bugger it up for everyone else.
Microsoft's clients used to work that way, I haven't checked if they
still do.

Digests (a whole lot of messages spooled together) can keep or lose
those headers.  If they just bundle plain text message bodies together,
it's gone.  If they do a MIME digest, where the entire message and
headers are kept for each message, proper replies *can* be done, but the
replying mail client has to make use of that information when doing its
reply.  Some don't, or some people using them don't use them properly.

(Currently running FC4, occasionally trying FC5.)

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.
I read messages from the public lists.

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