Looking for a laptop

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Fri Jul 14 05:25:14 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Phil Meyer wrote:
> The issue with suspend is often related to proprietary video
> drivers.

Yep, I've read much on that.  but I don't use the nVidia closed-source
drivers.  The open source nv works fine for my graphics needs.

> The first thing to try is to set your video driver to the open
> source one and then test.

Done.  No go.  Where would errors be when it fails?  That's the
problem I have.  I haven't found out just what's failing.  Nothing in
/var/log/messages looks useful when I restore and the screen stays
black.  I do a hard reboot and check the logs but nothing's there that
clues me in to what failed.

> The second thing to do is to update your system (especially if there
> is a new kernel) and try again.

It's failed to every kernel I've tried it with, which is probably
every one since FC5 was released except for the initial kernel, as I
waited a few weeks after the release to install FC5.

> The Lattitude D6NN for the past couple years all seem to work ok.  I
> have done a couple Inspirons with success, and will be testing a new
> one in the next week or so.  If there is still interest I will
> happily report my findings.

I'd be interested.  I can live fine without suspend, but I am curious
to try and make it work.

> The point is this:  Every kernel update could be the one that fixes
> or breaks your particular setup.  Keep trying!  FC moves very fast.
> Don't depend on a post/blog from a month ago because its probably
> already out of date.  And by all means, air it out when there is
> trouble.  Details are always welcome and enlightening, if not
> actually helpful sometimes :)

If I knew what was failing or what to try and change to get more
logging I would be glad to.  For now, I've got almost no idea of why
it doesn't work nor of exactly how it's supposed to work in the first
place so that I could modify the various scripts or programs to at
least spew some printf detail and let me know how far it got before

If you have pointers for the proper ways to debug such failures I'd be
interested.  Usually when I play with it, I end up rebooting more
times in few hours than I am acustomed to rebooting a linux system in
a year, and I end up just giving up because I'm doing nothing but
playing a guessing game of "try these kernel params" "say these magic
words" etc.  Without some way to help pinpoint where in the process it
fails, it's just painful for me to try and fix.

But, aside from my limited experience with suspend not working, I've
had no troubles getting all the hardware on my Dell to work with FC4
and 5[1].

[1] and as I said in another reply, I never bothered to try out the
internal modem, I have no use for it. :)

- -- 
Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xD654075A | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it
holds the universe together....
    -- Carl Zwanzig

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