jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 21 00:59:13 UTC 2006

From: "Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu" <m3freak at rogers.com>

> On Thu, 2006-20-07 at 12:56 -0700, jdow wrote:
>> What we need is more flexibility and courtesy. Then we need a lot less
>> anal-retentive asininities about "one true way". You guys are starting
>> to sound like religious extremists like say Jerry Falwell or Osama bin
>> Laden about your "one true way." 
> You really must stop dropping that bomb every where.  Character
> assassination is cruel and dishonourable.
> Sometimes there really is only one true way.  But, like I said, I'm not
> going to force anyone to change.  Live and let live.

Sharia law under any guise is acceptable to some and not to others.
I choose some degree of freedom, that's all. I find society works better
if I don't try to force other people to what I see as the one true way
and instead adapt to their foibles or necessities. Life's easier for me
that way. It makes life more pleasant for most people.

(At least I have not started side posting again.)


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