latest firefox version for fc4

Dan grinnz at
Wed Jul 26 20:06:23 UTC 2006

list user wrote:
> Hi all!
> I had Firefox-1.0.4 on my fc4 installation, and just did a "yum update 
> firefox".  Upon success I now have 1.0.8.
> Visiting I see that the current version of firefox is 
> 1.5.0 which fixes certain security issues.
> I further note there are version numbers and release numbers.
> Could somebody shed some light on the relationship between fedora 
> versions vis a vis mozilla versions/releases?
> Don't like running things that may have security issues :(
> Thank you,
> Mike Wright
1.0.8 was released after 1.5.0 and probably contains the same security 
As for why 1.5.0 isn't in FC5, it has dependencies (don't remember what 
the big one was, GCC or GTK or something) that would require you to 
basically have to upgrade to FC5.

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