GFS-kernel cman-kernel dlm-kernel and gnbd-kernel FC4 x86_64 update

Alessandro Brezzi alessandro.brezzi at
Tue Jul 4 17:25:27 UTC 2006

Hi all; first of all I apologize for my english.
After a relocation last year, only two week ago I regained ADSL
connectivity. My FC4 box was out of sync with all the update, so I
started a long process to fully update the software.
I use only the std repos.
I wnet in a little hell for dependency resolution: seem to me some
package in x86_64 do not declare correctly all the dependency in the
i386 version, resulting in the well know conflict. So I have to update
small portion of RPM at time, checking results, updating manually
dependency and conflicts etc. Lot of work for a supposed "dumb
procedure" to update all.
Finally I've got the result, with the ecxeption of some RPM
kernel-dependent pretending to find the
/lib/modules/2.6.15-1.1833_FC4. So, as far as I know, this is for an
older kernel; I'm running now kernel 2.6.17-1.2139_FC4.
My question is: my I remove this package from the system or I've
missed some things?

Thanks in advance
Alessandro Brezzi

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