GFS-kernel cman-kernel dlm-kernel and gnbd-kernel FC4 x86_64 update

Paul Howarth paul at
Tue Jul 4 17:38:19 UTC 2006

Alessandro Brezzi wrote:
> Hi all; first of all I apologize for my english.
> After a relocation last year, only two week ago I regained ADSL
> connectivity. My FC4 box was out of sync with all the update, so I
> started a long process to fully update the software.
> I use only the std repos.
> I wnet in a little hell for dependency resolution: seem to me some
> package in x86_64 do not declare correctly all the dependency in the
> i386 version, resulting in the well know conflict. So I have to update
> small portion of RPM at time, checking results, updating manually
> dependency and conflicts etc. Lot of work for a supposed "dumb
> procedure" to update all.
> Finally I've got the result, with the ecxeption of some RPM
> kernel-dependent pretending to find the
> /lib/modules/2.6.15-1.1833_FC4. So, as far as I know, this is for an
> older kernel; I'm running now kernel 2.6.17-1.2139_FC4.
> My question is: my I remove this package from the system or I've
> missed some things?

This is one of the problems you get with an "everything install". The 
GFS kernel modules typically lag behind the main kernel for a while and 
during that time, anyone with those kernel modules installed has 
dependency issues.

If you are not using this clustering technology (and you would know if 
you were, since you'd have had to configure it), the best option is 
definitely to remove the kernel modules from your system:

# rpm -e GFS-kernel cman-kernel dlm-kernel gnbd-kernel


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