Lock homepage in firefox for normal users?[Scanned]

Chris Bradford chrisbradford at cambridge-news.co.uk
Tue Jul 4 21:53:20 UTC 2006

Keith G. Robertson-Turner wrote:
> Chris Bradford wrote:
>> Is there a way to lock the home page of Firefox for users under FC5?
> You could create a cron job that periodically resets all users home
> pages, like this:
> perl -pi -e 's/user_pref\(\"browser\.startup\.homepage\",
> .*/user_pref\(\"browser\.startup\.homepage\"\,
> \"http:\/\/www\.google\.co\.uk\"\);/g' `find
> /home/*/.mozilla/firefox/*/prefs.js`
> (The above is supposed to be all one line, but may be wrapped in your
> reader.)
> Simply replace google\.co\.uk with whatever you want the default home
> page to be, and run the script every so often via cron (once per hour or
> whatever).
> Or instead of using cron, you could put it in /etc/profile.d/ instead.
Thanks everyone for your replies!

I'm going to experiment with the above in /etc/profile.d/ tomorrow when 
I'm at work. I assume this value would then be reset every time the user 
logs into he workstation.

As an enterprise environment we lie to have control over this kind of 
setting, maybe its worth putting in a feature request for the firefox 
developers? Not sure what the demand for something similar is... I've 
setup group policies to lockdown the homepage of our windows users, but 
obviously, this can't be done for Linux users.

Thanks again,

-Chris :)

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