Lock homepage in firefox for normal users?[Scanned]

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Thu Jul 6 16:24:06 UTC 2006

>> Sure about that?  You only have to list a file to see whether it's a
>> link, or not.

Dotan Cohen:
> Allright. So /usr/bin/firefox is a bash script that calls "qwerty
> http://homepage.com", where qwerty is the firefox executable.

Now all they have to do is look at the contents of that file.  That's
the sort of thing I've done to trace what start's what.  Various things
are started from scripts, and I know I can customise things to suit
myself by reading them.

If I wanted to subvert a system, the methods suggested so far aren't
going to stop a mildly concerned user.  If you'd suggested compiling a
program that simply passed over to something else, that would have been
a bit more convincing.  It'll take more nouse from a would-be subverter
to check what that's really going to do.

Thus far I've not seen any suggestions that really "lock" the homepage.

(Currently running FC4, in case that's important to the thread)

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