magic sysrq via minicom during serial install?

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Jul 26 21:38:25 UTC 2006

I'm trying to debug a problem with anaconda hanging, and I want to be able
to capture the output of sysrq-t. The magic sysrq sequence works wonderfully
at the actual console, but all of the information scrolls by ridiculously
quickly, and I actually need to capture it to look at it.

I plugged in a null-modem serial cable and am able to happily able to do a
serial install. Theoretically, one sends "BREAK-t" to do the equivalent of
alt-sysrq-t at a vt, but doesn't seem to have any effect -- the break seems
to hang the connection, and then I get nuthin'. What I am I doing wrong?


Matthew Miller           mattdm at          <>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <>

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