C Programming

Matthew Miller mattdm at mattdm.org
Sat Jul 29 14:54:09 UTC 2006

On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 09:24:42AM -0500, Erich Carlson wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-07-29 at 14:00 +0530, Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
> > Can any one here point me to "Learning C Programming"
> The book "The C Programming Language", Second Addition by Brian W.
> Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie
> http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cbook/

Yeah. Not only is it the original (well, make sure you get the ANSI C
edition, because you don't really want *too* original), it's very well
written and easy to learn from. There's really no need for another book.

Unless you actually want to learn C++. In some ways, learning C first will
put you at a disadvantage there, because it's easy to develop good C habits
which are bad C++ coding. In that case, I highly, highly recommendd
"Object-Oriented Programming in C++" by Robert Lafore (currently, in its 4th
edition: <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0672323087?v=glance>).

It's very well organized, and teaches things clearly.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at mattdm.org          <http://mattdm.org/>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <http://linux.bu.edu/>

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