xchm readable under linux?

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at cbn.net.id
Fri Jun 16 06:44:45 UTC 2006

On Friday 16 June 2006 13:30, Mark Sargent wrote:
> Hi All,
> is this possible? I have some study material that is only in this
> format. Is xCHM the only way? I couldn't get these ones installed on FC5,
> http://www.joy2share.com/marius/xchm/
> as I got a load of dependencies,
>     $ sudo rpm -Uvh xchm-1.9-3.FC5.i386.rpm
>     Password:

Have you tried yum search xchm?
Personally I use kchmviewer from extras.

kchmviewer.i386                          2.5-1.fc5              extras
Matched from:
CHM viewer
KchmViewer is a chm (MS HTML help file format) viewer, written in C++.
The main advantage of KchmViewer is extended support for non-English
languages. Unlike others, KchmViewer in most cases correctly detects chm
file encoding, correctly shows tables of context of Russian, Korean,
Chinese and Japanese help files, and correctly searches in non-English
help files (search for MBCS languages - ja/ko/ch is still in progress).

- Completely safe and harmless. Does not support JavaScript in any way,
  optionally warns you before opening an external web page, or switching
  to another help file.
- Shows an appropriate image for every TOC entry.
- Has complete chm index support, including multiple index entries,
  cross-links and parent/child entries in index.
- Persistent bookmarks support. Allows to store bookmarks even if
  "Favorites" window was not enabled for this chm file. Also stores the
  screen position for every bookmark. You can also edit/delete bookmarks.
- For any opened chm file, stores the last opened window, search history,
  bookmark history, font size and so on, so when you open this file again,
  everything is always on the place.
- Has easy and powerful search-in-page support.
- Allows to increase or decrease the font size, so physically handicapped
  people can read texts easily.
- Has standard Back/Forward/Home navigation.
- Can print the opened pages on a standard printer (usually via CUPS).
- Has complex search query support. You can use search queries like "lazy
  people" + learn -not.

Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 
13:44:43 up 5:26, 2.6.16-1.2111_FC5 GNU/Linux 
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