
Chris Jones jonesc at
Sat Jun 17 14:25:44 UTC 2006

> I'm biting my tongue a bit, because FC5 has been a complete mess from my
> point of view. Broken sound card, GTK/GNOME performance plummeting with
> the introduction of Cairo, Evolution still crashing regularly when I quit
> while using the "Empty trash folders on exit" option. I've been an RH user
> since 1999, but I'm giving serious consideration to switching to another
> desktop and another distro.

I've noticed the same thing. With FC5 the (few) gnome apps I use are terrible 
compared to KDE's ones. Luckily, I don't really like gnome and use KDE 
instead :) 
The one app I do use now and then is firefox, and its performance is really 
poor compared to konqueror, my main web browser. Just switching desktops it 
takes a LOT long to redraw than konqueror (and I don't believe this is 
because I am running KDE, the same happens in gnome)

I guess you prefer gnome, but just try KDE and see it things are better.


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